Stories from our customers of when Sharkbanz deterred sharks, reduced the risk, and added peace of mind.
"Saw one big fish this morning between 8-10" ft - maybe even larger with stripes!!!! Frickin nutz. A month ago, Joe, one of my paddling partners was talking about Sharkbanz, and he'd purchased one for himself. I bought it about 2 weeks after and have been using it every time since. This morning was the closest encounter I’ve ever had. After being out for an hour or so, another surfer started yelling "shark, shark!", and then I heard "bruddah he’s heading towards you".
I couldn’t really see the beast until he was about a foot away from the nose of my board and I could see his eyelids start to close. Then about 5 inches from the tip of the nose, it just took a ninety degree turn and took off and headed towards my partner who also had the device. Same result, turned away and made his way quickly away from pack. There was six of us out there at that incident, 5 will attest to that! 🤙🏽 Aloha ke akua"
- Greg, Clyde and Joe -- Oahu, H
I couldn’t really see the beast until he was about a foot away from the nose of my board and I could see his eyelids start to close. Then about 5 inches from the tip of the nose, it just took a ninety degree turn and took off and headed towards my partner who also had the device. Same result, turned away and made his way quickly away from pack. There was six of us out there at that incident, 5 will attest to that! 🤙🏽 Aloha ke akua"
- Greg, Clyde and Joe -- Oahu, H

"Sharkbanz gives me peace of mind and security. It makes my life in the ocean more at ease, and I enjoy my time out there more. I'm not worried about being a shark's biscuit in Bondi."
- Harries Carroll, Lifeguard / Waterman -- Bondi Beach, NSW (AU)
- Harries Carroll, Lifeguard / Waterman -- Bondi Beach, NSW (AU)

"After my attack, I did a lot of research into the different products on the market and found Sharkbanz to be the most trustworthy. It wasn't until I came into contact with another shark months later that I was able to test the product first-hand.
Last week, I was surfing near Byron Bay when a [4m tiger] shark began circling me. It was incredible to see how fast the [tiger] shark swam away as soon as it came within the magnetic field. I was glad that the band worked but still pretty shaken up so I paddled in to shore."
Jabez Reitman, Surfer, Shark Attack Survivor -- Ballina, NSW (AU)
Last week, I was surfing near Byron Bay when a [4m tiger] shark began circling me. It was incredible to see how fast the [tiger] shark swam away as soon as it came within the magnetic field. I was glad that the band worked but still pretty shaken up so I paddled in to shore."
Jabez Reitman, Surfer, Shark Attack Survivor -- Ballina, NSW (AU)

"I had a Great White encounter while paddle surfing the cove [...]. After a cleanup set, I was swimming back to my board when a dorsal fin broke between my board and me. It was a big, dark fin and coming at me hard. It got within five or six feet and thrashed really hard - then suddenly the shark made a violent hard left and bolted out of the area. I wore a Sharkbanz on my right wrist and left ankle. Thank God."
- Michael Skogg, Surfer -- Seaside, OR (USA)
- Michael Skogg, Surfer -- Seaside, OR (USA)


"When I learned about Sharkbanz I was stoked to have a tool that I could use for myself and my family while in the water. The technology is effective and it definitely calms my nerves down a bit when I enter the ocean in those times when I do feel a bit more nervous."
- Bethany Hamilton, Professional Surfer -- Kauai, HI (USA)
- Bethany Hamilton, Professional Surfer -- Kauai, HI (USA)

"When you're surfing those [remote] locations, there's always that thought of sharks in the back of your head. Any tool that can help prevent the threat and give you that peace of mind when you're surfing somewhere isolated, is a massive bonus for any surfer."
- Jacob Wilcox, Professional Surfer -- Margaret River, WA (AU)
- Jacob Wilcox, Professional Surfer -- Margaret River, WA (AU)

When this fish was coming out, we saw a shark about ten foot behind him. So I'm thinking this fish is in the boat, because of the [Sharkbanz] Zeppelin. I know there are skeptics out there, but when it comes to peace of mind, for me and my loved ones, I'd love to be wearing Sharkbanz when I'm out in the salt and briny."
- Capt. Paul Worsteling, Fisherman, IFISHTV -- Mornington Peninsula, VIC (AU)
- Capt. Paul Worsteling, Fisherman, IFISHTV -- Mornington Peninsula, VIC (AU)

“There are some places I have been surfing that I just won't surf without my Sharkbanz. There is a place where I always surf alone, and then there is a place I foil that has murky water and people have seen a Tiger there and it freaks me out so I have been wearing it. Firstly, I don’t even notice it; really just like a leggie, but when I fall and have to swim for my board, the feeling I have at that moment is sooo good. Seriously I don’t surf the place without it anymore. Thank you guys, I love it.”
- Barton Lynch, 1988 World Surf Champion, Pro Surf Coach -- Sydney, NSW (AU)
- Barton Lynch, 1988 World Surf Champion, Pro Surf Coach -- Sydney, NSW (AU)

"I like to wear the Sharkbanz wearable and the Sharkbanz Zeppelin at the same time. The more that are in the water, the better. I have a set for all of my clients. I mean, there's a multitude of reasons to use the products and applications for them."
- Capt. Kyle Johnson, Wade Fisherman, Guide -- Biloxi, MS (USA)
- Capt. Kyle Johnson, Wade Fisherman, Guide -- Biloxi, MS (USA)

NFL Hall of Famer and FL native, Warren Sapp, uses the Sharkbanz FIshing Zeppelin to fight back scores of hungry sharks at a wreck site off the coast of Stuart, FL. Also featured is Captain Scott Fawcett of Off the Chain charters: "I'm Sold!".
Typical of the Jupiter / Stuart region, the sharks were so bad this day that as many as 40-50 sharks were present at just this one wreck (145 ft). Thanks to the Zeppelin, we were able to have a successful outing.
- Warren Sapp, NFL Pro Hall of Famer, Fisherman -- Stuart, FL (USA)
Typical of the Jupiter / Stuart region, the sharks were so bad this day that as many as 40-50 sharks were present at just this one wreck (145 ft). Thanks to the Zeppelin, we were able to have a successful outing.
- Warren Sapp, NFL Pro Hall of Famer, Fisherman -- Stuart, FL (USA)

"So I've just got a wave inside and we've seen a VW sized figure underwater just traveling in front of us. I've said, "Mate, did you see that?" He goes, "I think that's a dolphin." I said, "Mate, that's no dolphin." And [a pilot overhead who witnessed this] later said, there was a [Great White] trailing you, and as it got close, it's just done a vicious left turn around you and out to sea. I'm wearing [Sharkbanz] now because this is 100% working for me. It just saved my life and the other bloke's life."
- Donovan Daniels, Surfer -- Lennox Head, NSW (AU)
- Donovan Daniels, Surfer -- Lennox Head, NSW (AU)

"During my last trip to Mayotte (East Africa) I took advantage of a hunting test with the Sharbanz in a shark infested environment to great success! Mostly Grey Reef and Whitetips — the depth about 15 meter. I was fishing Caranx ignobilis (Giant trevally) that [the sharks] love to attack — the effectiveness, incredible!"
- Cédric Richard, Spearfisherman -- Mayotte (Pacific Ocean)
- Cédric Richard, Spearfisherman -- Mayotte (Pacific Ocean)

"Diving NSW mid coast showing how Sharkbanz shark deterrent device effectively works on sharks. It has worked on large Bronze Whalers. Unfortunately, I have no good footage as it was in very dirty water. I use the device mostly for Bull Sharks hunting in dirty water in Sydney."
- Corey Cooper, Spearfisherman -- Seal Rocks, NSW (AU)
- Corey Cooper, Spearfisherman -- Seal Rocks, NSW (AU)


"Dudes, I'm grateful and inspired by the work that you guys have done. YOUR PRODUCT WORKS! I was out surfing this past weekend in New Hampshire with a buddy and a Great White approached us but was turned away by my friend's Sharkbanz ... there were even dead seals washed up on the beach. I was stunned. Absolutely stunned that your product worked so well. Every surfer needs a Sharkbanz."
- Ryan Kolden, Surfer -- New Hampshire (USA)
- Ryan Kolden, Surfer -- New Hampshire (USA)

"On October 19, 2016, I went to surf at one of my local beaches, Blueys. I was surfing for about an hour with about 5 other surfers when all of a sudden I saw a Bull Shark swimming towards us. It was about 2 M long. It got quite close to me, but then it spun around and shot off like a rocket. I caught the next wave into shore. Meanwhile, my dad got a really good view of the whole thing and was freaking out!! Dad said the Sharkbanz saved us from a possible attack! I love my Sharkbanz and I never go in the ocean without it."
- Charlize Everitt, Competitive Surfer --Boomerang Beach, NSW (AU)
- Charlize Everitt, Competitive Surfer --Boomerang Beach, NSW (AU)

"I was swimming with my lifeguard buddies at the Fort Lauderdale Beach on a Sunday morning. As I was looking down, I saw the tail fin and back half of a Bull Shark swimming underneath and away from me as if it had been spooked. When you are a couple of hundred yards out from the beach in open water, with nobody around to help you, it is a nice to know you have a shark deterrent that actually works. I will never surf, swim, snorkel, or scuba without wearing my Sharkbanz."
Daniel R., Swimmer -- Ft. Lauderdale, FL (USA)
Daniel R., Swimmer -- Ft. Lauderdale, FL (USA)

"I purchased a Sharkbanz this past summer, and it has absolutely helped ease my thoughts while surfing North Florida and Georgia's Coast where I live. I actually used it this past weekend and saw several Bull Sharks in the water, but none of them came near me. Prior to having Sharkbanz, I was on occasion getting bumped by Black Tips swimming between my legs while sitting on my board. Just wanted to drop you guys some feedback on your product. Mahalo."
- Adam Burdett, Surfer -- North Florida / Georgia Coast (USA)
- Adam Burdett, Surfer -- North Florida / Georgia Coast (USA)

"You will not catch me in the ocean without my Sharkbanz! I have had a couple encounters with our little shark friends over the past couple of years. [Recently] I was in the middle of a heat when I found myself stuck in the middle of a feeding frenzy. Never a good feeling when you are in a bait pod. For some reason, I lowered my leg into the water to see if the shark would scramble […] guess what? It did! Thank you again for making a product to keep me safe and allow me to pursue my dreams and passion of becoming a professional surfer."
- Sophia Kalantzis, U14 Competitive Surfer - Cocoa Beach, FL (USA)
- Sophia Kalantzis, U14 Competitive Surfer - Cocoa Beach, FL (USA)

"It does appear that this product actually repels sharks. It is a regular event off Tampa (FL) to encounter overly friendly sharks. The first time a Bull Shark wanted the fish I had speared [while wearing my Sharkbanz], he turned his head when about 5 ft. from me and swam away. This happened 4 more times over the next 2 months. Each time the shark jerked its head to the side, almost like it ran into an invisible wall. I told a friend about my encounter and he wanted to try it out for himself. He returned my Sharkbanz along with a good story. His experience was very similar to my own. He told me about an aggressive shark speeding toward him and quickly changing direction when encountering the field given off by the Sharkbanz. Light weight and easy to dive with. Good product."
- Alan Mclain, Spearfisherman - Tampa, FL (USA)
- Alan Mclain, Spearfisherman - Tampa, FL (USA)

"Thank you, Sharkbanz! The Tiger Shark veered away, and I swam safely to shore! While swimming at Stuart Beach (FL), I was quite far out wearing my fins and enjoying body surfing waves off the sand bar. At first, I didn’t hear the lifeguard’s whistle to clear all the swimmers from the water. So when I did look to shore, the beach goers were lined up along the shoreline and the lifeguard was waving his hands to come in. I was the only one still in the ocean. The water was crystal clear that day, and they could all watch the Tiger Shark (4-5 feet long) swimming back and forth parallel to the shore, but closer in than I was. As I’m swimming to shore, the shark turns towards me and follows me, getting closer and closer. When he is within about 6 feet of me, the lifeguard noticed he veered away [which he later told me]. While the shark stayed in the beach area, it never came near me again. THE SHARKBANZ WORKED WELL!"
- Nicky C, Beachgoer - Stuart, FL (USA)
- Nicky C, Beachgoer - Stuart, FL (USA)

"My six-year-old son, Mac, and I had an unbelievable experience today. We were swimming about 10 feet offshore at Bald Head Island, NC and all of a sudden a school of menhaden started chopping up the water beside us. The next thing we knew, there were sharks circling within a couple feet of us. I am very thankful that we have all limbs intact! Adrenaline was pumping. Fortunately, my wife and sons had bought me a Sharkbanz for Father's Day and I had just purchased a band for Mac yesterday, both of which we were wearing. I want to convey an unbelievably BIG THANK YOU for your product and what it meant to my son and I today!!!"
- Charlie McNairy - Raleigh, NC (USA)
- Charlie McNairy - Raleigh, NC (USA)


"I have been using Sharkbanz for about a year. I have seen three sharks since. Two days ago [April, 2017] at Huntington Beach a shark came very close to me [but] then ripped a sharp turn away from me, causing the tail splash in the water. With all of the recent shark sightings, catches, and attacks in my local breaks over the past week, I can rest assured as I have the new SharkBanz 2 on my ankle."
- Christopher Fennell, SUP Paddler, Huntington Beach, CA (USA)

"Being out in the ocean almost every day and often by myself, you can't help but sometimes think about what's lurking beneath. Cheers to Sharkbanz for the peace of mind and to help me focus on my photo's a bit more."
- Juan Medina, Surf / Wildlife / Fashion Photographer -- Gold Coast (AU)

"With a number of my friends and loved ones having close encounters with Bull Sharks over the years this is a product I am very excited to share with you all. Not only are we keeping ourselves safe, the sharks can enjoy their playground without harm as well. Sharkbanz has added peace of mind to our everyday ocean swim, surf and SUP."
- Dana Landgren, Women's Fitness | Personal Trainer -- Queensland (AU)

"As a surfer, kiteboarder, and water sports photographer, I spend a lot of time in the ocean. During a recent surf session in Virginia Beach, while wearing my Sharkbanz, my group was approached by a shark. It got within feet of us when it suddenly darted away. I'm sold on Sharkbanz."
- Patrick M. -- VA Beach, VA (USA)

"This [Sharkbanz 2] is a great product and an improvement from the first generation Sharkbanz. Its much more comfortable while surfing and forgot I was even wearing it. Also I didn't have any worries about Sharks. Definitely worth it for peace of mind.”
- Travis Webb -- Melbourne, FL (USA)

"I own several Sharkbanz now and use them while diving and spearfishing. I have had several aggressive sharks swim towards me during my dives including times when I had bloody fish near me or in my hands. I have yet to have any attacks. Just very close calls where they swim within 5 feet and do a U-turn. I can’t thank you enough for the amazing product you have."
- Adam P. -- St. Augustine, FL (USA)

Unsolicited emails and notes from customers around the world
"Surfing is our life and is like a drug. If we don’t go in the water, we may have a few sad/bad days. So, we looked for some solutions for safety. Some people use products like SharkShield & Surfsafe that use electricity. My wife, Gwen, applies this process on her surfboard plus wears Sharkbanz on her arms and legs. I wear 4 Sharkbanz because I don't like electric shocks and it’s not adapted for bodyboards. We understand it’s not 100%, but it’s better than nothing. Sharkbanz is a psychological help for my wife and I but also reduces the risk of shark attack. If a 4 meter and 300 kilos Bull Shark swims near me, I hope it chooses another prey (dinner) because of Sharkbanz deterrent."
- Axel -- Réunion Island (FR)
"Last summer while surfing my wife had a 5 foot Black Tip shark swimming towards her. When it got about 6 feet away, it spun around really fast and left the area. On a related note, since we have started wearing Sharkbanz, I have noticed that neither one of us have stepped on a Skate / Ray (this is something that occurs on a regular basis along the North Carolina coast). My guess is that Sharkbanz is deterring these also. Thank you for your product!"
- Carl L. -- North Carolina (USA)
"Hi guys just to let you know that I had a very close encounter with a shark yesterday. I had just speared a king fish on an isolated offshore reef and was ascending from 12m in murky waters. As soon as I got to the surface, a 3m Bronze Whaler approached me at speed. When it got to my fin, it did a 90 degree turn and I never saw it again. I pulled the fish in and there was no bite out of it so it must have got spooked! He (she) only came back after about 20mins, as we continued to fish for a while. This is how I identified his size and the species type. Back on the boat it started circling us so I got a good look at it. I've had a few shark encounters over the years...nothing this close! The crazy coincidence is that I only bought the Sharkbanz that morning! Won't be going back to those spots without it now!"
- Simon T. -- New Zealand
"THANK YOU FOR AN INCREDIBLE PRODUCT! It has given me so much peace of mind in the water. I live in Cape Canaveral (Cocoa Beach) on the beach. I do have a healthy awareness of the ocean which keeps me reminded that it's a habitat for wildlife but it has sometimes stopped me enjoying my time in the water. I recently picked up surfing and went to Ron Jon’s to purchase one of these for me and one for a friend. My nerves are gone. I feel confident and at ease. My girlfriend who previously wouldn't surf alone in fear of a bite, now will surf alone. Thank you for providing me some sense of safety in the water. I know if the shark really wants my toe he will take it, but I feel like he will take a fish over me now."
- Court Jane -- Cocoa Beach, FL (USA)
"Mate, just wanted to share an experience with you that we had today! Went for the early surf 6AM first light, pretty gloomy conditions, very overcast. Salmon schools everywhere, a few guys fishing off the rocks. Saw a 5 ft Bronze Whaler in a wave as I took off about halfway through the session! Was a bit spooked from then on, then one fisherman caught a salmon and then sent it out on a long line to catch a Bronzey! Saw them flapping around attaching the bait so we decided we'd go in and it was a bit unnerving having them fishing for sharks essentially 20m from the takeoff zone! Get into the beach only to have the dudes tell us that there were 6 of them, one 10ft long apparently swimming around me and my mate! So there you go, I had my Sharkbanz on, it must have been enough to deter them from having a test bite or a closer look. They can get pretty frisky this time of year with all the salmon around and resurgence of bait fishing. Man, what a day. I think my mate is ordering one as we speak! Thanks again for the great product, I think I'll get my dad one too!!"
- Owen T. -- Western Australia (AU)
"I just paddled out at Lighthouse Beach Port Macquarie to go surfing. I looked to the right and noticed a small shark about a meter and a half long heading towards me in charge mode. When the shark got a couple of meters away from me, it looked like someone had set off a shot gun in its face. It turned and bolted. This was the first time I ever used my Sharkbanz. I have full faith in your product. Thank you very much."
- Dom S. -- NSW (AU)
"I am obsessed with Sharkbanz! My friend introduced the company to me a while ago because she legitimately would never swim - I mean never swim - and we lived at the beach! She bought one, and last time I was visiting her, we spent the entire beach day in the water. Love what y'all are doing. Such a cool product."
- Cara L. -- Washington D.C. (USA)
"My wife and I feel safer with our Sharkbanz on. On one of our surf sessions, I saw a 5ft. shark approach my wife and abruptly turn and swim off...so I'm pretty sure they help."
- Philip K. -- South Carolina (USA)